Segni e Sogni

Dream walk in nature, contact with the forces of the place and synchronic reading of the Signs. Reading the Signs means understanding and interpreting reality,…

Magical signs trilogy

Welcome to a mystical journey through the use of writing, signs and symbols. To reconnect with these archetypal elements, use the power of writing to…

Magical signs trilogy

Welcome to a mystical journey through the use of writing, signs and symbols. To reconnect with these archetypal elements, use the power of writing to…

Sacred language. Basic course.

Welcome to a mystical journey through the use of writing, signs and symbols. Sacred language is an ancient, ancestral, ideogrammatic tongue that, based on our…

Symbols, Archetypes and Magical signs

Welcome to a mystical journey through the use of writing, signs and symbols. To reconnect with these archetypal elements, use the power of writing to…

Learn to guide your rebirths

“Being reborn is an experience that can happen more than once in every existence.” – Falco Tarassaco (Oberto Airaudi) All the traditions of our planet…

Astral Travel

Traveling in the astral plane to explore different dimensions is one of the most fascinating experiences one can have. This latent faculty within all of…