Plants are sentient living beings with a wide range of perceptions. Contacting the vegetal world and learning how to feel and communicate with it is a truly unique and extraordinary experience.
Human beings are endowed with an innate capacity to communicate with the vegetal world, but the frenetic rhythms of our modern everyday life have strongly limited our senses and our capacity to communicate with different dimensions. Through this course it is possible to learn the techniques needed to reactivate and train this capacity.
The course provides participants with the necessary knowledge to perceive the vegetal world as well as practical tools to contact plants, whether they are potted or secular or millenary trees, in order to start developing one’s own communicative channel. For this reason, the course takes place mostly outdoors, in direct contact with the trees. The most extraordinary aspect is that the dialogue one establishes with the plants becomes a precious tool in order to look within oneself with more clarity, through the answers and the indications that one can receive from this other dimension.
When the course takes place in Damanhur, participants have the possibility to experience the contact with plants directly in the Sacred Woods, which is an outdoors “Vegetal Temple”, connected to Damanhur’s magical energetic structure.
This course is in presence in Damanhur (Italy, Piedmont, Valchiusella)